
JCR journals



  1. 25_tns.png
    Reliability of Vision Transformers and CNNs on Edge AI Systems under Neutron Radiation
    Jose M. Badia, Ignacio Martin-Salinas, German Leon, and 7 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2025
  2. 25_js.png
    Evaluating and Accelerating Vision Transformers on GPU-based Embedded Edge AI Systems
    Ignacio Martin-Salinas, Jose M. Badia, Oscar Valls, and 5 more authors
    The Journal of Supercomputing, 2025



  1. 23_tap_mms.png
    A Rigorous Code Verification Process of the Domain Decomposition Method in a Finite Element Method For Electromagnetics
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, Laszlo L. Toth, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024
  2. 23_tap_laszlo.png
    Hierarchical Universal Matrices for Curvilinear Tetrahedral H(Curl) Finite Elements with Inhomogeneous Material Properties
    Laszlo L. Toth, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Romanus Dyczij-Edlinger
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024
  3. 24_mmas.png
    A priori verification method for curl-conforming basis functions in simplices
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2024
  4. 24_jos.png
    Urban Sound Classification Using Neural Networks on Embedded FPGAs
    Jose A. Belloch, Raúl Coronado, Óscar Valls, and 6 more authors
    The Journal of Supercomputing, 2024
  5. 24_prd.png
    Fully Metallic Geodesic Lenses as Analog Electromagnetic Models of Static and Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Fields
    Enderson Falcón-Gómez, Vittorio De Falco, Kerlos Atia Abdalmalak, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review D, Aug 2024



  1. 23_cg.png
    Meshing strategies for 3d geo-electromagnetic modeling in the presence of metallic infrastructure
    Octavio Castillo-Reyes, Paula Rulff, Evan Schankee Um, and 1 more author
    Computational Geosciences, Aug 2023
  2. 23_tap_hexa.png
    Second-Order Nédélec Curl-Conforming Hexahedral Element for Computational Electromagnetics
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Aug 2023
  3. 23_prd.png
    Interaction between Linear Polarized Plane Gravitational Waves and a Plane Electromagnetic Wave in the Electromagnetic-Gravity Analogue
    Enderson Falcón-Gómez, Vittorio De Falco, Kerlos Atia Abdalmalak, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review D, Mar 2023



  1. 22_jos.png
    Strategies to Parallelize a Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique on Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures
    Jose M. Badia, Adrian Amor-Martin, Jose A. Belloch, and 1 more author
    The Journal of Supercomputing, Dec 2022
  2. 23_epjc.png
    Propagation of Light in the Presence of Gravity Generated by Static and Spherically Symmetric Curved Space-Times Using Maxwell Equations
    Enderson Falcón-Gómez, Adrián Amor-Martín, Valentín De La Rubia, and 3 more authors
    The European Physical Journal C, Dec 2022
  3. 22_jcs.png
    Tailored Meshing for Parallel 3D Electromagnetic Modeling Using High-Order Edge Elements
    Octavio Castillo-Reyes, Adrian Amor-Martin, Arnaud Botella, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Computational Science, Aug 2022
  4. 22_cag.png
    3D Magnetotelluric Modeling Using High-Order Tetrahedral Nédélec Elements on Massively Parallel Computing Platforms
    Octavio Castillo-Reyes, David Modesto, Pilar Queralt, and 5 more authors
    Computers & Geosciences, Jan 2022



  1. 21_mdpi.png
    Adaptive Semi-Structured Mesh Refinement Techniques for the Finite Element Method
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    Applied Sciences, Jan 2021
  2. 21_mdpi_nacho.png
    Test-Driven Development of a Substructuring Technique for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Finite Periodic Structures
    Ignacio Martínez-Fernández, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    Applied Sciences, Dec 2021
  3. 21_jcomp.png
    Study of Accuracy of a Non-Conformal Finite Element Domain Decomposition Method
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, and Jin-Fa Lee
    Journal of Computational Physics, Dec 2021



  1. 20_ijrmcae.png
    A Testbench of Arbitrary Accuracy for Electromagnetic Simulations
    Adrian Amor‐Martin
    International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Dec 2020
  2. 20_access.png
    GPU Acceleration of a Non-Standard Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique for Electromagnetics
    José M. Badía, Adrian Amor-Martin, Jose A. Belloch, and 1 more author
    IEEE Access, Dec 2020



  1. 19_ijrmcae.png
    Construction of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Finite Elements and Its Assembly
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Dec 2019
  2. 19_jos.png
    On the Use of Many-Core Machines for the Acceleration of a Mesh Truncation Technique for FEM
    Jose A. Belloch, Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and 2 more authors
    The Journal of Supercomputing, Dec 2019



  1. 18_ijis.png
    Supervised Machine Learning Using Encrypted Training Data
    Francisco-Javier González-Serrano, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Jorge Casamayón-Antón
    International Journal of Information Security, Dec 2018



  1. 17_pr.png
    Training Support Vector Machines with Privacy-Protected Data
    Francisco-Javier González-Serrano, Ángel Navia-Vázquez, and Adrian Amor-Martin
    Pattern Recognition, Dec 2017



  1. 16_tap.png
    Second-Order Nédélec Curl-Conforming Prismatic Element for Computational Electromagnetics
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, and Daniel Garcia-Donoro
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Dec 2016
  2. 16_motl.png
    Analysis of Planar Microwave Devices Using Higher Order Curl-Conforming Triangular Prismatic Finite Elements
    Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Sioweng Ting, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 1 more author
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Dec 2016



  1. 15_posidonia.png
    Posidonia: A Tool for HPC and Remote Scientific Simulations [EM Programmer’s Notebook]
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Ignacio Martinez-Fernandez, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Dec 2015

Ph.D. thesis



  1. Advanced techniques in scientific computing: application to electromagnetics
    Adrian Amor-Martin




  1. Evaluating the Reliability of Optimised Vision Transformers on Edge AI Systems
    Jose Manuel Badia, Ignacio Martin-Salinas, Germán León, and 6 more authors
    In , 2024
  2. Implementación de Un Simulador 2D de Elementos Finitos En Julia
    Mario Núñez-Dominguez, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E García-Castillo
    In , 2024
  3. High-Stability Oscillator-Based Sensor for Low-Cost Biological Phantom Validation
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Elizabeth Fernandez-Aranzamendi, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 2 more authors
    In , 2024
  4. Active Sensor Design Based on Large-Signal Stability Analysis with Pole-Zero Identification
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Elizabeth Fernández-Aranzamendi, Adrián Amor-Martín, and 2 more authors
    In , 2024
  5. Diseño de Un Sensor Activo Basado En Análisis de La Estabilidad Con Identificación Polo-Cero
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Elizabeth Fernández-Aranzamendi, Adrián Amor-Martín, and 2 more authors
    In , 2024



  1. A Priori Verification Method for Curl-Conforming Vector Functions in Simplices
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In 23rd International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE, 2023
  2. On the Validation of Curl-Conforming Higher-Order Basis Functions Using the Method of Manufactured Solutions
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In 24th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2023
  3. Indirect Detection of Gravitational Waves Using an Analogue Electromagnetic Spacetime Modulated Medium
    In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023
  4. Analogous Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Schwarzschild Black Hole Space-time Using Parallel Conducting Surfaces Waveguides
    In 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023
  5. Parallel Plates Waveguide-based Analogous Electromagnetic Model of the Gravitational Field of a Schwarzschild Black Hole
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2023
  6. Study of the Interaction Between Gravitational and Electromagnetic Waves through the Finite Differences Time Domain
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2023
  7. Predicción de Prestaciones de Un Resonador Por Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial
    Antonio Rueda-Escalona, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Jose A Belloch
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2023
  8. Sensor Activo de Alta Estabilidad y Sensibilidad Para Detección No Invasiva de Cáncer de Mama
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Elizabeth Fernandez-Aranzamendi, Daniel Segovia-Vargas, and 1 more author
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2023
  9. A High-Stability and High-Sensitivity Active Sensor for Non-Invasive Breast Cancer Detection
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Elizabeth Fernandez-Aranzamendi, Daniel Segovia-Vargas, and 2 more authors
    In 53rd European Microwave Conference, 2023
  10. Estudio de Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial Para La Detección de Contaminantes
    César Turienzo-Forcada, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Jose A Belloch
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2023
  11. Numerically Stable Implementation of Ewald Method for 1D Periodicity
    Sergio Llorente-Romano, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, and Adrian Amor-Martin
    In , 2023
  12. On the Use of the Method of Manufactured Solutions for the Domain Decomposition Method
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In , 2023



  1. Analogous Maxwellian Algorithm for Photon Geodesic Calculation in General Static Isotropic Metrics
    Enderson Falcón, Gabriel Santamaría-Botello, Adrián Amor, and 2 more authors
    In 51st European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2022
  2. Diseño de Un Sensor Activo Para Monitorización No Invasiva
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Daniel Segovia-Vargas, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 1 more author
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2022
  3. Diseño de Un Sensor Activo Para Monitorización No Invasiva
    Sandra Santiago-Mesas, Daniel Segovia-Vargas, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 1 more author
    In Congreso Nacional de La URSI, 2022
  4. Experimental Insight into the Domain Decomposition Method for a Finite Element Method Code
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In XIV Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional, 2022
  5. Strategies to Parallelize a Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique on Multi- and Manycore Architectures.
    Jose Manuel Badia, Adrian Amor-Martin, Jose A Belloch, and 1 more author
    In 22th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE, 2022
  6. Convergence Study of H(Curl) Serendipity Basis Functions for Hexahedral Finite-Elements
    Laszlo L. Toth, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Romanus Dyczij-Edlinger
    In MIKON 2022, 2022



  1. 3D Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion Using an Open-Source Paradigm: Experiences and Perspectives
    Octavio Castillo-Reyes, Pilar Queralt, Alex Marcuello, and 3 more authors
    In SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2021



  1. H(Curl)-Conforming Hierarchical Basis Functions on Prisms and Hexahedra
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Laszlo L. Toth, and Romanus Dyczij-Edlinger
    In Kleinheubacher Tagung 2019, 2019
  2. Hierarchical H(Div) Basis Functions and Universal Matrices for Curvilinear Finite Elements
    Laszlo L. Toth, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Romanus Dyczij-Edlinger
    In Kinetics and BEM on the Saar, 2019



  1. Non-Conformal Domain Decomposition Method Supporting Hp-Discretizations
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In XII Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional, 2018
  2. Higher Order Finite Element Method Based on a Non-Conformal Domain Decomposition Method
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, and Daniel Garcia-Donoro
    In Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2018, 2018
  3. Towards a Scalable Hp Adaptive Finite Element Code Based on a Nonconformal Domain Decomposition Method
    Adrian Amor-Martin, LE Garcia-Castillo, and D Garcia-Donoro
    In 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2018
  4. Non-Conformal Domain Decomposition Method Supporting Hp Discretizations
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, 2018
  5. Three-Level Parallelization of a Finite Element Code with Hybrid Meshes
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In Congreso Nacional de la URSI, 2018
  6. Acceleration of a Mesh Truncation Technique for a Finite Element Electromagnetics Code
    Jose A Belloch, Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and 1 more author
    In 18th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE, 2018
  7. Recent Developments Regarding a Higher Order Finite Element Method Electromagnetic Simulator (HOFEM)
    Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In XII Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional, 2018
  8. Electromagnetic Finite Element Solver for HPC Environments Using Direct Substructuring Method
    Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Wujie Mei, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 1 more author
    In 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2018



  1. A Finite Element Mesh Truncation Technique for Scattering and Radiation Problems in HPC Environments
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Doñoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In Computing and Electromagnetics International Workshop (CEM), 2017
  2. Analysis of Dispersion Error of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Prismatic Finite Element
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO), 2017
  3. On the Design of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Finite Elements and Its Assembly Features
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO), 2017
  4. Higher-Order Finite Element Code for Electromagnetic Simularion on HPC Environments
    Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Adrian Amor-Martin
    In MUMPS User Days, 2017
  5. Higher-Order Finite Element Electromagnetics Code for HPC Environments
    Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS, 2017
  6. Algorithm for Simultaneous Adaptation and Time Step Iterations for the Electromagnetic Waves Propagation and Heating of the Human Head Induced by Cell Phone
    Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, Ignacio Gomez-Revuelto, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 2 more authors
    In International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS, 2017



  1. Posidonia: A Software Tool for HPC Scientific Simulations
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Ignacio Martinez-Fernandez, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In XI Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional, 2016
  2. Comparison between Different Assembly Strategies for Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Prismatic Finite Elements
    Adrian Amor-Martin, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In XI Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional, 2016
  3. Posidonia: A Tool for HPC and Remote Scientific Simulations
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Ignacio Martinez-Fernandez, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In FEM Workshop, 2016
  4. Second-Order Nédélec Curl-Conforming Prism for Finite Element Computations
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In FEM Workshop, 2016
  5. HOFEM: Higher Order Finite Element Method Simulator for Antenna Analysis
    Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Adrian Amor-Martin, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, and 2 more authors
    In IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), 2016
  6. Higher Order Finite Element Method Solver for the Analysis of Microwave Devices in Planar Technology
    Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Sioweng Ting, Adrian Amor-Martin, and 2 more authors
    In Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2016 46th European, 2016



  1. Implementation of the Second-Order Nédélec Curl-Conforming Prismatic Element for Computational Electromagnetics
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Daniel Garcia-Donoro, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In Congreso Nacional de la URSI, 2015



  1. State Estimation Using an Extended Kalman Filter with Privacy-Protected Observed Inputs
    Francisco-Javier González-Serrano, Adrian Amor-Martin, and Jorge Casamayón-Antón
    In IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2014



  1. Plataforma Web de Simulación Remota En Un Cluster de Computación Científica
    Cristina Garcia-Muñoz, Adrian Amor-Martin, Ignacio Martinez-Fernandez, and 1 more author
    In Congreso Nacional de la URSI, 2013



  1. Herramienta de Simulación Remota En Un Cluster de Computación Científica
    Adrian Amor-Martin, Ignacio Martinez-Fernandez, and Luis E. Garcia-Castillo
    In Congreso Nacional de la URSI, 2012
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